Cyber threat intelligence is a flexible, dynamic technology that uses data collection and analysis gleaned from threat history to block and remediate cyber attacks on the target network. The threat intelligence itself is not a hardware-based solution. Rather, this strategic intelligence involves tactics techniques and procedures and forms a crucial component of an organization’s overall security architecture. Because threats evolve and multiply over time, a cybersecurity system depends on threat intelligence and analysis to ensure it catches as many attacks as possible.
Why is Threat Intelligence important?
Threat intelligence allows organizations to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to cyber attacks. Without understanding security vulnerabilities, threat indicators, and how threats are carried out, it is impossible to defend against cyber attacks effectively. Threat intelligence can prevent and contain attacks faster, potentially saving businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Cyber threat intelligence is the end result of cyber threat analysis. It is a collection of finding that can be used to take action and defend against threats. Rather than manually grant or deny access, track malicious threats, and record previously identified malefactors, cyber threat intelligence allows for automated universal actions. For instance, if a file has been identified as malicious, it can immediately be blocked across all networks globally.
By investing in cyber threat intelligence, businesses can access massive threat databases that can exponentially improve the efficacy of their solutions. At the end of the day, security solutions are only as strong as the threat intelligence that powers them.
Benefits for Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cybersecurity tools are nearly powerless if they are not told which threats to watch out for and how to mitigate them with the predesigned tactics techniques and procedures that power the operational intelligence. Cyber threat intelligence provides cybersecurity system administrators with the knowledge they need to formulate a plan that will best protect their network. In some situations, elements of the data gained by devices to empower cyber threat intelligence can be used to attack threats automatically.
With an investment in cyber threat intelligence, a business can avail itself of threat databases with technical information that details a vast number of threats. When this storehouse of knowledge is put to work by security teams or the automated systems used to protect the network, the business’ safety profile is significantly enhanced. This operational intelligence thus empowers analysts with actionable insights.
Common Indicators of Compromise
Often, a cyber threat intelligence and analysis system may pick up suspicious Internet Protocol Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), or domain names known for being used in attacks on businesses. If an endpoint has interacted with one of these IP addresses or other assets, that may mean the company’s network has been compromised. Further, accessing specific email addresses, certain email subjects, or attachments and links can also indicate the system has been compromised.
Certain filenames, file hashes, IP addresses, dynamic link libraries and registry keys are common indicators of compromise. The analysts within a cybersecurity intelligence system can maintain a list of common indicators of compromise and other tools that threat actors use and then filter out potentially dangerous communications and other network activity.
Data vs intelligence
An effective cybersecurity intelligence system makes a clear distinction between threat data collection and threat intelligence to stop threat actors. Cyber threat intelligence includesdata collection and processing to detect, stop, and mitigate threats. Data collection, on its own, provides useless information until it is analyzed in the context of intelligence. The analysis reveals operational intelligence such as the types of threats that may be imminent, weaknesses in the network, and the different sourcesof threats. This is collated and implemented into a cyber threat intelligence and analysis system.
In other words, data collection is one of the building blocks of cyber threat intelligence. Cyber intelligence security professionals, given the right tools, can use threat data feeds and technical information regarding the network and business to formulate a more complete protection plan for the organization.
Who benefits from threat intelligence?
Threat intelligence provides benefits to organizations big and small—and across a wide range of disciplines—because this kind of strategic intelligence and analysis involves processing data and using it to gain a stronger understanding of the attackers an organization is facing or may face. This holds true regardless of the types of threat intelligence the organization and its analysts use.
When it comes to small to midsize businesses (SMBs), threat intelligence provides protection that may be otherwise unattainable because it avails them of a vast storehouse of the threats that may attack their network. Large enterprises, on the other hand, can use the information from the cyber intelligence system to better analyze the bad actors, their tools, and how they attempt to use them.
- Security/information technology analysts can use cyber threat intelligence to better prevent and detect threats.
- A security operations center (SOC) can leverage threat intelligence to decide which incidents they must devote their attention to using data regarding the level of risk and how they may affect the organization and the work of its analysts.
- An intel analyst benefits from cybersecurity threat intelligence because they can use it to find and keep track of threat actors going after the organization’s information.
- Executive management can rely on cyber threat intelligence to gain a better understanding of the risks faced by the company, their impact on operations, and how to deal with them.
The Value of Comprehensive Cyber Threat Intelligence
The primary benefit of a comprehensive cyber threat intelligence program is it ensures the organization is prepared and proactive. Threat intelligence allows an organization to access a storehouse of technical information gathered from around the world, as well as human knowledge that can significantly strengthen an organization’s defenses.
This is accomplished through an adversary-focused approach that identifies the threats most likely to compromise the network and its individual components. It can also be customized based on an organization’s needs. Further, cyber threat intelligence can be scaled up if the company grows or needs to expand the types of threats it targets.
The different components of a threat intelligence program result in better incident response times. As alerts are prioritized, the organization can respond in less time and lower the risk of a major fallout from a breach. Also, in the end, threat intelligence enhances communication between the IT team and stakeholders, while providing a window into the threat landscape for those who may not be familiar with the nitty-gritty of cybersecurity.
Three Ways To Deliver Threat Intelligence
The format and presentation of the threat intelligence that ends up being disseminated depends on the audience, the intelligence requirements, and where the information comes from. These factors impact the tactics techniques and procedures used to compile the tactical intelligence. To simplify the delivery process, there are three types of threat intelligence: strategic, tactical, and operational.
Strategic threat intelligence
Strategic intelligence gives stakeholders a bird’s eye view of the organization’s threat landscape and its risk. This helps those in the audience, such as executives and key decision-makers, to make high-level decisions as to how to use the information in the context of intelligence. Strategic threat intelligence and analysis may use internal policy documents, news reports, white papers, or other research material provided by the analysts of security organizations.
Tactical threat intelligence
Tactical intelligence, one of the key requirements, defines threat actors’ techniques and procedures as they pertain to the company’s risk. It is intended to help defenders understand how the organization could be attacked and how to use intelligence to defend against or mitigate those cyber attacks.
Operational threat intelligence
Operational threat intelligence involves presenting information regarding cyber attacks, whether they are singular events or long-term campaigns.
What to Look for in a Threat Intelligence Solution
Although threatintelligence is a necessary element of any cybersecurity approach to limit risk, make sure the system you implement is adequate for your requirements. Regardless of the size or nature of your organization, there are a few components of a threat intelligence solution you will need to have in place to contain risk.
Simplified access to diverse data
The more raw datafrom a variety of sources, the better, as each data collection point in a threat history dataset, if they come from the right sources, can be used to defend against a bad actor. Therefore, the more you have, the stronger your defenses will be. You will also need threat intelligence and analysis that incorporates machine learning capabilities because this directly impacts the size and quantity of your datasets.
Machine-learning capabilities
Machine learning has the ability to recognize patterns and use these in a threat intelligence solution to predict threats before they hit your network. Those in charge of IT security can leverage machine learning-generated datasets to detect and then evaluate a wide array of dangers, including advanced persistent threats (APTs), malware, ransomware, and zero-day threats, adding practicality to their threat intelligence.
Automated action
A cyberthreat intelligence program must incorporate automated responses to threats. Automation can serve several purposes. Automating threat intelligence data collection and detection relieves IT security teams of responsibilities involving targeting and logging every threat that engages the attack surface. Moreover, when cyber strategic intelligence incorporates automated action steps once a threat has been identified, the network and its connected devices are better protected.
While some threat behavior analysis is best done using human problem-solving and creative thinking, threats can be automatically contained and eliminated by the intelligence system. With the intelligence system, you can also automate measures to shield the rest of the network from the threat, such as malware analysis within a sandboxed environment.
Cross-industry support
While nothing can—or should—eliminate the competitive element within each industry vertical, in many ways, cyber threat intelligence security is a team effort on the part of the multiple analysts. A comprehensive cyber threat intelligence and analysis solution incorporates insights from various professionals and organizations within your industry, as well as within the cyber threat intelligence community.
Information regarding the types of landscape threats and how they behave can be shared, and a cyber threat intelligence program should incorporate this crucial information. Also, some threats are more likely to impact some industries than others. Therefore, within your specific industry, there should be information concerning the latest attacks, the malicious actors and software responsible, and how they have been defeated in the past.
A cyber threat intelligence professional may also have access to data regarding how these threats have impacted similar businesses, including how much downtime has resulted from a successful attack and the financial impact on the organization.
The speed at which a cyber threat intelligence program reacts to threats is a crucial factor in its success and an important factor in the efficiency of the intelligence lifecycle. A matter of minutes can make the difference between an expensive attack and a minor disturbance when tactical intelligence is properly leveraged. With a fast response, a threat can be detected and analyzed for intelligence info. Threat intelligence data regarding its behavior can be quickly put to work to prevent the next attack.
However, speed should not be used as an excuse to justify poor performance. A fast response also has to be an accurate one. Therefore, an adequate cyber threat intelligence system can filter out false alarms and identify threats with a lower likelihood of causing significant damage.
Ease of integration
Integrating a cyber threat intelligence system should be simple and easy to execute. While meeting the needs of each organization certainly takes time and careful thought, the cybersecurity infrastructure should integrate well with your network.
Ideally, all cyber threat intelligence data collection should be accessible via a single dashboard. If the dashboard is customizable, administrators can dictate who has access to what. Integration is also easier if the threat intelligence system is ready, out of the box, with infrastructure that enables it to cover common devices, making it a valuable tool virtually right away
What Organizations are Getting Wrong about Cyber Threat Intelligence
Understanding the value to their business
Even though threat intelligence focuses on important business problems, it is easy for decision-makers to underestimate its value. This is often due not to a lack of comprehension on the part of stakeholders but insufficient explanation and presentation on the part of the cybersecurity team. A cyber threat analysis presentation can easily devolve into a showy and confusing display of graphics and statistics, losing its teeth along the way.
To prevent this kind of misunderstanding, it is crucial for the threat analysis team to outline the specific business problems that arise due to the threats described during the dissemination phase. Also, action steps should be detailed, including how they may benefit the business’s bottom line.
The wrong feed
Because there are so many feeds to choose from in a threat analysis system, it can be easy to pick one that is not relevant to your business. It is important to identify the best feed for your operation. This is often similar to the feed other businesses in your sector and of similar size use, but your infrastructure or products and services may sometimes require a different feed than very similar businesses.
Also, keep in mind that if your attack surface includes the personal data of specific executives or others in your company, a different feed may be necessary than if you were only trying to protect your digital assets, for instance. There are many factors that will determine how you choose your feed, but with careful planning, you can make the right choice.
Challenges of Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is a critical component of any robust cybersecurity strategy. However, it comes with its own set of challenges.
Key Challenges
- Data Overload:
- Massive volume of data: The digital landscape generates an overwhelming amount of data, making it difficult to identify relevant information.
- Data quality issues: Not all data is accurate or reliable, leading to false positives and wasted resources.
- Skill Gap:
- Lack of skilled analysts: There’s a shortage of professionals with the expertise to analyze and interpret complex threat data.
- Time-consuming process: Analyzing and deriving actionable insights from vast amounts of data is time-consuming.
- Threat Landscape Evolution:
- Rapidly changing tactics: Threat actors constantly evolve their techniques, making it challenging to stay ahead.
- Emerging threats: New threats and vulnerabilities emerge frequently, requiring constant adaptation.
- Intelligence Sharing:
- Lack of collaboration: Information sharing between organizations is often hindered by competitive concerns and regulatory barriers.
- Standardization challenges: Different formats and standards for threat data make it difficult to integrate information from various sources.
- Contextualization:
- Understanding the big picture: Raw data often lacks context, making it difficult to assess the potential impact of a threat.
- Prioritization: Determining which threats pose the greatest risk to an organization can be challenging.
- Resource Constraints:
- Budget limitations: Many organizations struggle to allocate sufficient resources for CTI initiatives.
- Limited personnel: Small teams may be overwhelmed by the volume of work.
- Ethical Considerations:
- Privacy concerns: Collecting and analyzing threat data can raise privacy issues.
- Responsible disclosure: Sharing threat information without compromising sensitive data is a delicate balance.
Overcoming Challenges
To address these challenges, organizations can:
- Invest in technology: Utilize AI and automation to process large volumes of data and identify patterns.
- Develop talent: Build a skilled CTI team through training and recruitment.
- Foster collaboration: Participate in information-sharing initiatives and industry forums.
- Prioritize intelligence: Focus on threats with the highest potential impact.
- Establish a strong CTI process: Define clear goals, roles, and responsibilities.
By effectively addressing these challenges, organizations can improve their ability to detect, understand, and respond to cyber threats.
Best Practices for Cyber Threat Intelligence
Effective CTI is crucial for organizations to proactively defend against cyber threats. Here are some key best practices:
Data Collection and Management
- Identify relevant data sources: Leverage a mix of open-source, commercial, and internal intelligence feeds.
- Prioritize data collection: Focus on information that aligns with your organization’s risk profile and threat landscape.
- Data enrichment: Add context and value to raw data through analysis and correlation.
- Data normalization: Standardize data formats for efficient analysis and sharing.
- Data retention: Implement a data retention policy to balance legal requirements and operational needs.
Analysis and Interpretation
- Develop a structured analysis framework: Use frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK to understand adversary behavior.
- Prioritize threats: Focus on high-impact threats that pose the greatest risk to your organization.
- Contextualize intelligence: Relate threat information to your specific environment and assets.
- Share intelligence internally: Disseminate actionable insights to relevant stakeholders.
- Continuously refine analysis: Update intelligence based on new information and evolving threats.
Integration and Action
- Integrate CTI into security tools: Incorporate threat intelligence into your security systems for automated response.
- Develop threat-informed defense strategies: Use CTI to strengthen your overall security posture.
- Measure CTI effectiveness: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the impact of your CTI program.
- Foster a threat-aware culture: Educate employees about cyber threats and their role in prevention.
- Collaborate with external partners: Share threat information with other organizations to enhance collective defense.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is no longer a luxury but a necessity for organizations operating in today’s digital landscape. It serves as the cornerstone of proactive cybersecurity, empowering organizations to anticipate, understand, and effectively mitigate cyber threats.
By investing in skilled personnel, advanced technologies, and collaborative partnerships, organizations can harness the power of CTI to protect their critical assets and maintain a competitive edge.
In conclusion, cyber threat intelligence is an ongoing process that requires continuous adaptation and improvement. By embracing best practices and staying informed about the latest threats, organizations can significantly enhance their cybersecurity.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information about potential and existing cyber threats.It involves understanding the motives, capabilities, and tactics of threat actors to inform decision-making and improve an organization’s security posture.
CTI works closely with other security functions like threat hunting, incident response, vulnerability management, and risk management.